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NixOS reshared this.

I know #SoftwareUpdates are often a hard thing.

I really like how ease they are, at least for me, for the following projects:

- #friendica
- #Nextcloud
- #libreelec
- #forgejo @Forgejo
- @iodé
- #Nix, #NixOS @Nix / NixOS

They all just work. And are easy to perform. Thanks to those projects and everyone involved.

They enable users to self run and use software.

This entry was edited (3 months ago)
in reply to Daniel Siepmann

+1 for Nextcloud. I`d like to add #homeassistant and #grapheneos to the list. They are outstanding not only when updating.

@GrapheneOS @homeassistant

This entry was edited (3 months ago)
in reply to Daniel Siepmann

It's quite an achievement. I remember back before the Owncloud / Nextcloud fork, updates used to break all the time. Then they decided to start focusing on stability of updates and bit by bit things have only gotten better s since then.
@iode @forgejo @nix @nextcloud