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in reply to Daniel Siepmann

glad to see Nextcloud is on a list of easy to update software 😃 how are you hosting it?
in reply to Viktor Nagornyy

On a virtual server running Debian, PHP FPM, Apache and MariaDB.

Updates are done via web ui. Not too many additional apps.

Does the answer your question or do you look for some other info?

in reply to Daniel Siepmann

This is however only if you mix and match your php versions yourself. Stable debian is not a good base for nextcloud at all. The alternative would be docker, of witch i'm also no fan of. Sadly @nextcloud still doesnt support podman, let alone user-mode of podman.
in reply to Daniel Siepmann

Yes, thanks. A simple stack is usually the best option for easy management. Saw Nix in your profile, thought you might be using it 😃
in reply to Viktor Nagornyy

No. The server is maintained by a good old friend.
Otherwise I would have switched to nix :)

I use nix only for private and work laptopt right now.

Those English posts describe my nix setup: in case you are interested :)

in reply to Viktor Nagornyy

Just try to install nextcloudpi on a Raspi 4 or 5 or any Armbian/Debian bookworm distro. That one is pending since February 2023 according to this issue:

In addition the update to nextcloud 26.x broke my nextcloud instance. The problem is that there is no check done for the installed PHP version. If you happen to have 7.3 installed which is standard on Debian bullseye you are host and have to fix it yourself.

This entry was edited (3 months ago)
in reply to Norbi📷

@grauzone Free, open source software development takes time. But, nevertheless, it gets done. This will, too 😃
in reply to Viktor Nagornyy

I miss Nachoparker - as soon as he obviously left working for nextcloudpi the quality was going down. Of course, I know it's not easy to get into a new probably large project, but still ...
I disabled automatic updates completely since the failed update. I would like to migrate my instance to a new HW but want to use the latest Debian/Armbian release. Perhaps I should have updated the script to bookworm myself.
This entry was edited (3 months ago)
in reply to Viktor Nagornyy

@viktor Hurray !
The last "update" of nextcloudpi broke my Letsencrypt certificate !
I have a backup and know what to do in that case. Never trust anyone doing things right.
in reply to Norbi📷

@grauzone Things break from time to time 🤷 That's why backups are critical.
in reply to Daniel Siepmann

+1 for Nextcloud. I`d like to add #homeassistant and #grapheneos to the list. They are outstanding not only when updating.

@GrapheneOS @homeassistant

This entry was edited (3 months ago)
in reply to Daniel Siepmann

It's quite an achievement. I remember back before the Owncloud / Nextcloud fork, updates used to break all the time. Then they decided to start focusing on stability of updates and bit by bit things have only gotten better s since then.
@iode @forgejo @nix @nextcloud