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we have built a TYPO3 site for a client (first T3 site ever) and have been facing some caching issues since launch.
The site is running on version 12.4.10 in a composer-based PHP 8.1.22 environment.

The issue we’re having is that template changes or CSS changes are not visible in the frontend, even after clearing the cache multiple times. We tried flushing the cache via the TYPO3 backend, tried deleting multiple directories storing cached files.

Directories manually deleted were:

  • /var/cache
  • /public/_assets
  • /public/typo3temp/assets

Detailed information about our issues:

Issue 1)
Changed the template of a form (default form extension) in EXT:extname/Resources/Private/Partials/Form/Page.html. Uploaded the changed template via FTP (no pipeline yet) to the server. But after clearing all caches multiple times, the changes were still not visible.

Issue 2)
We compile our SCSS styles into a single main.css which is included via TypoScript using includeCSS. That works fine. At some point we wanted to push a little CSS fix for something and uploaded the new main.css to the server. You’d think that TYPO3 would pick up the changes - but nope. Flushing caches did not help.
I identified the cached CSS file and straight up pasted the changes into that, which worked. But now it broke again and the few new lines of CSS are not cached anymore.
It almost feels like there is a second, old main.css which is being cached and the actual file is not considered.

We developed this site locally using Docker, where that issue once occurred too. Restarting the container fixed the caching issue. We haven’t tried restarting the production server yet.

Has there ever been an issue like this before? Does anyone know what the problem is?

I’d be happy to provide more information if it helps debug the issue.

1 post - 1 participant