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TYPO3 v12 introduces better support for languages and locales, including BCP 47 format, automatic fallbacks, and reduced configuration overhead for setting up new languages.

User flow design visualizes the path that the user follows to achieve a specific goal. In digital terms, the path is what the user sees and clicks on when interacting with a digital interface.

In digital design, picking the right user flow tool isn’t just about choice; it’s about navigating challenges like integration issues, team collaboration, and budget constraints.
in reply to PechGehabt

I've changed the colour via Gimp :) Guess that's fine? I'll update all other accounts as well. Thanks for pinging me.

Mid-fidelity wireframes serve as a crucial tool in the UX design process, striking a balance between detail and abstraction.

Discover the significance of trailing slashes in URLs and how they impact SEO and user experience. Learn best practices and TYPO3 solutions with b13's expert guide.

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Uncover the versatility of Miro in our comprehensive guide! From real-time collaboration to easy client engagement, explore the top 10 reasons why Miro is our go-to tool for UX design.

You’re invited: TYPO3 has a new home for its system configuration in TYPO3 v12. In our latest post we’ll walk you through the new changes, their advantages, and how it fits into TYPO3’s system history.

Recap Web Camp Venlo 2024

I attend this year's Web Camp Venlo. And usually I don't publish recaps any more. But this year felt special to me and there was so much going on that I need to write that down and share the experience with everyone out there.


The Web Camp Venlo started as a TYPO3 Camp back in 2015. I still have the T-shirt, and it was my very first international TYPO3 Camp. I'm living next to the Dutch border and wanted to get in touch with none German people of the community. I learned friendly people from the Netherlands and other countries and even sponsored the camp in the beginning, so it could happen.

But things go on and the camp opened by changing its name, now known as “Web Camp Venlo” instead of “TYPO3 Camp Venlo”.


Why covering the history you might ask? Well, because the shift from TYPO3 to Web feels very much like what this year's camp felt to me. It was not about TYPO3 or anything specific. It was about something bigger, it was about humans.

The Camp started with the Keynote “Keynote - The human touch in software development” but Carlijn Compen from Canon, the printer company. There was a talk “Defend FOSS: From innovation to world-wide positive change” by Jeffrey A. "jam" McGuire and Mathias Bolt Lesniak. As well as a Talk “Domain-Driven Design: The Basics” by Stefan Koopmanschap. I also attended “The latest computer virus is called burnout and only motivated people can get it” from Jeroen Baten and “Community collaboration” by Jaap Van Otterdijk as well as his Talk “Documentation”.

All these talks have one thing in common, they are about humans, about community and therefore social aspects. I am a Backend software developer working with TYPO3 all day, building websites and allowing editors to publish content to the world. I am building websites for visitors and do so by using a free open source software content management system where humans can be creative. They can share there thoughts, just like I am doing right now typing these words into my TYPO3 installation, serving the content to you as a reader.

There were also workshops provided a day before the usual camp days. I attend the workshop “Advanced Application Architecture” by Matthias Noback. Which again was about humans. The technical part as about encapsulation of domain and system architecture. But the concepts behind that were about humans as well.

It is all about Humans, about interactions. Domain Driven Design (=DDD) is about reflecting human beings and their processes and interactions within software code. We write documentation for humans in order to understand and use something, like a CMS, build by humans.

Some might be afraid of meeting people with well known names, but they are all human. They all have been where starters are today. They attend events like this because they share the same passion. We all want to exchange knowledge. We want to become better and gain new ideas and learn from each other.

Also, the camp is organized by a small group of nice people. There are human speakers sharing their ideas, opinions, and experiences to other humans.

Everything we do influences other humans.

I want to thank the Organizers of the camp, the speakers, the sponsors and all the attendees for making events like this web camp happen. I had a great time, as every other year in the past. And I'm looking forward to joining the camp next year.

A new goodie was introduced with PHP 8: Attributes. Let's find out what attributes are, why we want them and where they are already used in TYPO3.

A new goodie was introduced with PHP 8: Attributes. Let's find out what attributes are, why we want them and where they are already used in TYPO3.

The Core Web Vitals are the go-to metrics for determining if a web page responds to user interaction swiftly and without disruptions. TYPO3 admins and developers need to know how these metrics work.

Discover the power of Figma for UX design. Streamline projects with seamless collaboration, cross-platform accessibility, and innovative features. Elevate your project’s efficiency and transparency

Find out how Content Security Policy can protect your websites from malicious attacks. Cross-Site Scripting exploits vulnerabilities in CMS architecture—but with the right security policy, you can keep your websites safe.

The use of elements no longer splits surrounding inline elements.

The use of wbr HTML elements no longer splits surrounding inline elements.

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Unlock TYPO3 v12's enhanced TCA types. Improvements to the Table Configuration Array introduce streamlined code and simply work for integrators and extension authors.

Unlock TYPO3 v12's enhanced TCA types. Improvements to the Table Configuration Array introduce streamlined code and simply work for integrators and extension authors.

Choosing an agency is difficult, but once you’ve gone through your project’s concept document, and gained an understanding of your agency’s technical expertise and proposals, the process becomes more straightforward.

Possible ways of customized display of form data. Including buttons to correct entered data on the respective page.

Wireframing is the first step in designing the structure of a website, and it serves many purposes; to describe how information is presented on a page, to determine a website’s structure and how it functions, and to shape the flow of the user journey…

With TYPO3 12 it became possible to call 3rd party application in a uniform way. The new system extension "webhooks" provides everything we need to implement webhooks. In this post we learn how to do it.

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With TYPO3 12 the powerful symfony/messenger component has been integrated into the TYPO3 core. This post explains how to set up a message queue in TYPO3 and what we want it for.

An additional CSS class, differing template paths or custom form prototypes – which approach you should use, and when.

I've added tutorial and news to this account. Recent posts should soon be mirrored.

Accurately reflecting a brand’s identity and goals through its website is a layered, multi-step process. It requires strategy, technical know-how, and deep understanding of users to create a strong, visually appealing website.

Whether you’re launching a brand new project or upgrading your decades-old multisite website, you need to make sure your agency fully understands your project goals and your current suite of technology.

Whether you need to upgrade your TYPO3 version, relaunch a website, or build new enterprise functionalities, your choice of digital agency can make or break the project.