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Daniel Siepmann reshared this.

I'm an abandonware radicalist; not only should abandoned software have its source released, abandoned hardware should be opened up to development to stop it being ewaste.

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Dirk Fehse reshared this.

Okay, this is very very embarrassing.

I lost my disk #encryption password. The hand written password does no longer work. I don't know why...

I have a backup, but that disk is also crypted.
All my passwords are in a keepass database file.

This is on the cryted disk and backup.

I also have a backup on my nas. But the password is ... In the manager.

I have a Fritz VPN to my Fritz box stored on my android phone.

Any recommendation on how to get back acces to the password manager database file?

Help is very welcome.

I fear I need to contact some company and pay Monet to get back my access :(

UPDATE: I could solve the issue by decrypting my very bad handwriting. And I'll now put back my keepass file onto a server a a level of backup and will print out the most important passwords instead of keeping handwritten backups.

This entry was edited (19 hours ago)

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in reply to Daniel Siepmann

any chance that keypass, even an out of date one, is elsewhere such as a cloud service? May be in luck and have the password you need there
in reply to Gaiety

No, I only have that on my I could solve it in the meantime:

And I'll put my keepass back to my nextcloud :)

in reply to Daniel Siepmann

If the encryption is good, an encrypted disk might be very difficult to access even by professionals. (Don't know about the Fritzbox, that might be a way).

Take a break, try some time later to type your password. Check your keyboard settings (caps lock, correct language settings). Try to use another keyboard (your current keyboard might have a key not working).

Good luck!

This entry was edited (7 hours ago)

Stell dir vor, du willst einer oder vielen unterschiedlichen öffentlichen Timeline entfernter Nodes im Fediverse folgen, ohne den Server wechseln zu müssen.

Kein Problem. Lege dir unter #Friendica einen neuen Kanal an. Gibt dem Kanal einen sprechenden Namen und ggf. noch eine Beschreibung, was in diesem Kanal zu sehen sein wird.

Ggf. definierst du noch Hashtags, die du besser nicht sehen willst, oder sagt, dass Beiträge unter oder oberhalb einer bestimmten Zeichenlänge nicht angezeigt werden sollen.

Nun der entscheidende Punkt: Im Feld "Volltextsuche" trägst du z.B.die folgende Inhalte ein

Das ist die Auswahl, die ich hier zu Versuchszwecken hinterlegt habe. Da kann natürlich auch nur ein Node sein oder viele weitere, andere Server.

Jetzt vielleicht noch die präferierten Sprachen auswählen und fertig ist der Kanal.

Konfigurieren eines Kanal in Friendica

In meinen Fall wird nun eine bunter Mix von Beiträgen angezeigt, die mir als neue Timeline "Wohnzimmer" zur Verfügung steht und die ich nach belieben nach meinen Wünschen verändern kann.

Aufruf des neuen Kanal in Friendica

Ich finde schon sehr, sehr cool, was alles im Fediverse möglich ist.

MuscleMemory is broken. I'm not able to unlock the ssd of my laptop anymore.

Need to wait until Monday when I've access to the physical backup of the password...

This entry was edited (2 days ago)
in reply to Daniel Siepmann

had that once with the PIN of my credit card. Even after a couple of days I was not able to remember it 😳
I mean I entered it a thousand times before …
in reply to Peter Kraume :typo3:

Yeah also had that, luckily only for one day.

I hope I'll never have that for my digital keepass, as I don't have a physical backup of that right now... But I added my pins to that ;)

A nice blog post explaining the different components like #windowManager, #displayManager, e.g. related to #x11 and #wayland.

Nice for people like me who never dog into that:

Krishna Draws✏️ reshared this.

Daniel Siepmann reshared this.

There is no artificial intelligence, just other people's data.

Adapted from: "There is no cloud, just other people's computers"

#AI #ArtificialIntelligence #MachineLearning

This entry was edited (1 year ago)

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Daniel Siepmann reshared this.

📣 Announcing the availability of:

- PHP 8.3.6
- PHP 8.2.18
- PHP 8.1.28

‼️ These SECURITY releases fix:

- proc_open workaround Windows with escaping arguments for bat/cmd files
- __Host-/__Secure cookie bypass
- Infinite loop in mb_encode_mimeheader
- password_hash handling of null-charecter terminated $password

Please upgrade ASAP.


Daniel Siepmann reshared this.

array :java: :void: :php: reshared this.

That's exactly why I am a big fan of open source right from beginning. It allows others to discover your ideas, thoughts and beginnings. They can share their thoughts and ideas or findings.

Sometimes someone knows something so you don't need to build the stuff on your own. And others might join your efforts to build something cool.

I never did something private first until it is "ready". But I gave up in that topic...

@wouterj @jaapio crazy idea, but why does Symfony not publish about plans for new components, and invite the wider community to collaborate? Instead right now, the new components are announced when they are done and it is a surprise to "competing" component maintainers. This results in comments about Symfony's NIH syndrome that, while perhaps not the best way to communicate this, I can honestly understand. That is by now my default response as well when I see something like this.

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Daniel Siepmann reshared this., a Directory of Self-Hosted Software

Daniel Siepmann reshared this.

Toller Vortrag von Rouven Czerwinski zu #Wayland. Ich habe mich da bisher immer drum gedrückt. Aber im Vortrag wird sehr schön erklärt, was es ist, wieso es entwickelt wird. Warum welche Probleme existieren, etc.

Würde ich allen empfehlen die bisher auch noch auf #X11 sind und sich der Thematik bisher verschlossen haben oder noch Vorurteile oder Halbwissen haben.

in reply to Daniel Siepmann

Ist anscheinend ein totales Nischenthema. Hatte damals auf dem Mac dieses wunderbare Retina-Display und konnte das Scaling nach Belieben einstellen. Habe dann zu Linux mit 4K-Monitor gewechselt und hatte echt Probleme mit den Augen. Einzige Option unter Xorg damals: Alles mal zwei. Das war dann wieder viel zu groß und unsinnig. Fractional Scaling ging dann irgendwie nur unter Wayland ein wenig.

Hab das Thema aber nicht weiter verfolgt nachdem ich zu 1440p gewechselt bin.

in reply to Alexander Schnitzler

Ich bin da leider auch nicht im Thema.

Hab immer nur einen monitor mit ner normalen Auflösung.

Nur bei meinem alten MacBook das kein full HD kann brauche ich sowas. Wenn ich was präsentiere Spiegel ich den Bildschirm und mache mit xrandr nen scale Faktor an damit ich keinen schwarzen Rahmen habe.

Muss mal schauen wann ich auf wayland Wechsel und was da noch alles ansteht.

Daniel Siepmann reshared this.

I announce the immediate availability of phpDocumentor's ReflectionDocblock component v5.4.0, this introduces a large number of new supported types in docblocks which were already supported by phpstan. This enables the users of this project to consume more complex type definitions.
Please read the release notes carefully before upgrading:
This entry was edited (4 days ago)

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Daniel Siepmann reshared this.

Freundlicher Freelancer sucht angenehme Auftraggeber:innen. :ablobcatwave: Falls ihr Unterstützung bei einem #TYPO3 Projekt braucht, dann schreibt mich gerne an.

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Daniel Siepmann reshared this.

Pro tip: Resist the urge to bundle unrelated changes into a single pull request. This applies to both open source and at work.

It may be tempting to fix the bug you noticed while working on something else, but don’t. Follow up with a separate PR for that.

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Daniel Siepmann reshared this.

I had trouble with Content-Security-Policy reporting on a password protected staging environment in combination with Firefox. I found a nice solution and blogged about it:

#CSP #Apache #Firefox

This entry was edited (5 days ago)

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in reply to Albrecht Köhnlein 🚀

Thanks for sharing :) I guess Firefox added a layer of security. It no longer passes basic auth in URLs.

It would ask you whether it was expected in order to be confirmed by a user. But that doesn't we to work for those inner requests.

Just as an possible explanation why your, and mine, favourite browser doesn't "support" that.

Daniel Siepmann reshared this.

If you ever leave a community - any community - because of (systemic) problems with it, *please* post the reasons publicly if you are able to.

You don't need to engage with people questioning your reasons or asking you things, or any other replies - merely state your motivation for leaving, what led up to it.

It may sound like a small thing, but it is *immensely* helpful to the people staying behind fighting to fix the community's issues, who will have a concrete thing to point towards to show that other people are not tolerating it either.

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Daniel Siepmann reshared this.

CSS quick tip: if you're adding quotation characters use `open-quote` and `close-quote` as content because they consider the document language. 💪

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Daniel Siepmann reshared this.

It's still possible in 2024 to just make a website using straight HTML and CSS. That option never went away

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Daniel Siepmann reshared this.

Das TYPO3 Usergroup Treffen im April findet wieder einmal in der TYPO3 GmbH in Düsseldorf statt. @danielsiepmann zeigt uns Best practices bei Upgrades.

Anmeldung bitte hier:


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Daniel Siepmann reshared this.

I contributed to two new projects today. I'm using both for a client. One was a typo in a variable preventing the object from being serialized properly. The other was a wrong example in the documentation of a package that cost me a few hours to figure out what I was doing wrong.
How did you improve your #foss today?

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Daniel Siepmann reshared this.

AI generation when writing software is a false economy. You are replacing writing code with code review. Code review is harder and requires you to already have an understanding of the domain which often means that you would’ve even able to write it yourself to begin with. If you code gen something because you don’t know how to write it yourself, you by definition cannot review it without going though an effort equivalent to writing it yourself in the first place.

Unless of course you don’t care about code review and so doom yourself into treating software like magical incantations that break randomly for no perceivable reason; but no good mage would do that, surely.

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in reply to Mary​:icosahedron:

I've heard some use AI to generate boring boilerplate code. I'd argue that then your framework, tooling or architectute is broken in the first place, as it forces you to write boilerplate code.

Daniel Siepmann reshared this.

The secret to succeeding in technology is to build exciting things with boring technology.

Boring tech is well-understood and the edge cases well-known.

Your product should be what’s exciting, not your stack or your devops.

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Daniel Siepmann reshared this.

[FEATURE] Introduce site sets with setting definitions

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Daniel Siepmann reshared this.

📣 Montag 19 Uhr dreht sich beim User Group Treffen alles um #TYPO3 v13: @luisasofie stellt uns die Roadmap vor und Oli Bartsch zeigt uns die neuen APIs für Developer und Integratoren.
Luisa und Oli werden live aus Fuerteventura vom TYPO3 #Surfcamp 🏄‍♀️ 🌴 zugeschaltet!

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Daniel Siepmann reshared this.

✨ TIL ✨:

You can have #git auto-pick `` and `` based on repository remotes' URLs.

This entry was edited (2 weeks ago)

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Daniel Siepmann reshared this.

Best addition to any #Node package.json, #PHP composer.json or other dependency managers file would be a mandatory „why“ field for each single dependency which requires a minimum number of sensible words.

Could make devs think twice before adding and help (me) when upgrading projects after some time.


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Daniel Siepmann reshared this.

How the xz backdoor highlights a major flaw in Nix | Shade's Blog

in reply to Atemu Nix / NixOS reshared this.

You are right, it will be a mess to pull xz from a different hash. This is why you go back to an older build, and keep only packages you need on the newer version.
in reply to GarlicToast Nix / NixOS reshared this.

Those packages themselves depend on xz. Pretty much all of them.

What you're suggesting would only make the xz executable not be backdoored anymore but any other application using liblzma would still be as vulnerable as before. That's actually the only currently known attack vector; inject malicious code into SSHD via liblzma.

Matthias Noback reshared this.

Today I could start #programming for a new project. I applied the learnings from @Matthias Noback workshop regarding #software architecture.

And well … It works good so far. And so many more things now make sense and work, e.g. TDD. I thought TDD doesn't make sense, except for some cases. But now with a different point of view to how to create and structure software … it now works. I could develop the current project fully #TDD.

I can highly recommend his workshops :)

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Daniel Siepmann reshared this.

[FEATURE] Optimized integration of Page Rendering via Fluid

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Daniel Siepmann reshared this.

Here's a fun AI story: a security researcher noticed that large companies' AI-authored source-code repeatedly referenced a nonexistent library (an AI "hallucination"), so he created a (defanged) malicious library with that name and uploaded it, and thousands of developers automatically downloaded and incorporated it as they compiled the code:


This entry was edited (2 weeks ago)

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Daniel Siepmann reshared this.

Company policy mandated "first letter of first name + last name" as username.

For years, Nick O’Reply wondered why nobody ever replied to his emails.

Daniel Siepmann reshared this.

in reply to ploum

Fun story. When I was at uni the rule for postgrads was two letter department code + surname. A Mr O'Leary insisted on the ' being included and all hell broke loose. He eventually ended up being unique in having cs plus his first name.
in reply to ploum

Robert Oot, however, finds that he never has "permission denied" errors

Daniel Siepmann reshared this.

This is a great article from @Di4na, and I strongly agree with his point: open source / free software project developers, contributors, and maintainers are not "suppliers".

The "software supply chain" metaphor puts demands in the wrong place, and responsibility in the wrong direction.

Yet, it's a very powerful way to help companies understand their reliance on the labor of others.

What different metaphor or picture would be as strong, but with reverse polarity?

in reply to Matthew Miller

one of the ordinal points that the FSF were making back in the 1980s was that as a user of free software you had the freedom to change the software yourself _or pay anyone else you chose to do it for you_ - in contrast to proprietary software which left you at the mercy of the vendor. It didn't say you could shame, flame or guilt the original author into making your changes (whether for free or otherwise), just that you weren't tied to that author for meeting your needs.

Somehow we seem now to have conflated "supply" and "support" and we're poorer for it.

AndreasKessel reshared this.

Really cool to see the final 0.7.0 of #TYPO3 content blocks available
So many great things made it into the release.

I'm looking forward to see the integration into TYPO3 itself.

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Daniel Siepmann reshared this.

Git as debugging tool

Daniel Siepmann reshared this.

Saying „no“ to anyone putting pressure or guilt on you is a good rule for life generally.
This entry was edited (2 weeks ago)

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Daniel Siepmann reshared this.

Wenn es um #Bayern und #Hessen geht, benutze ich nur noch das generische Femininum. Da kann man die beiden Ministerpräsidentinnen so richtig schön auf die Palme bringen.


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Daniel Siepmann reshared this.

Today I realise that the ASCII code for '*' (the wildcard in regex) is 42.
Which means that, in “The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy”, when Deep Thought replied ‘42’ to "What is the answer to life, the universe, and everything?", it actually meant "Anything you want"

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Daniel Siepmann reshared this.

A large contingent of webdevs seem to think that fast means “best-case fast.”

“Our web sites are fast on expensive hardware and from reliable fiber networks.”

Worst-case fast is a much more meaningful, impressive, and inclusive claim to make! Fast on low-end hardware. Fast on slow networks.

Fast on the World Wide Web—not just from a WeWork in Silicon Valley.

This entry was edited (3 weeks ago)

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array :java: :void: :php: reshared this.

My boyfriend is currently learning web development (HTML and CSS right now). That motivated me to play around with #programming languages.

@array :java: :void: :php: introduced me to which allows me to practice languages on my local machine. Thanks for that.

I'm publishing my progress at where you can see why #Nix is awesome. I've created a derivation for the exercism binary and one shell.nix per language.

That way I can play around with other language on my own system declarative. I guess this is a nice showcase for nix.

Daniel Siepmann reshared this.

Dieser Cartoon geht momentan wieder mal in mehreren textlich veränderten Versionen rum.
Mir ist das egal. Meine Follower wissen ja: das hier ist das einzig echte Original. Und ich bin mir sicher, deshalb teilen sie das Original heute besonders häufig. ✊

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in reply to Ralph Ruthe

Kannte ich noch gar nicht 😁 Die Tränensäcke unter dem allwissenden Auge - ich liebe solche Details 😊
in reply to Ralph Ruthe

Leider doch lieber Allmächtiger und das ist völlig misslungen.