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Daniel Siepmann reshared this.

Hey #TYPO3 community!

While a lot of people already have moved over to the fediverse from X (formerly known as Twitter), there's still some people that are stuck over there. Mostly citing problems of discovering content or finding an initial home.

I decided to write a document on Notes, which contains starting info and a list of accounts you can add yourself to, if you want 👀

Once some accounts are in the list, I'll also share that on Twitter.

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in reply to Andy

Thx a lot for the initiative! I think we should also add a section about Mastodon clients since at least for me it only started to make real fun when Ivory came to life.
in reply to Peter Kraume :typo3:

And maybe we should also list at least some other accounts which are close to the TYPO3 project, e.g. PHPStan, PHPUnit, PHP CS Fixer, Sebastian Bergmann, Xdebug, Derick Rethans, you name it
in reply to Peter Kraume :typo3:

@cybersmog Great initiative. @brotkrueml we might want to link this in a documentation somewhere? Maybe or at the bottom of where "help" is linked?
in reply to Andy

thank you for this good list! :blobcatthx: It's a very good starting point for new members of the fediverse. #TYPO3 #community

Daniel Siepmann reshared this.

Good article on comparing Tailwind vs. Sematic CSS:

Especially with modern CSS I enjoy working with semantic CSS and it often does not require any additional tooling.

Daniel Siepmann reshared this.

Daniel Siepmann reshared this.

I often wonder what the average programmer should be capable of and what standard practices are.

Based on the last couple of years:

- Writing tests is not standard
- Almost never see TDD being done
- People hate writing problem descriptions in commit messages or PRs, but love conventional commit prefixes
- Debugging 101 is often lacking (test case reduction, logs?)
- Tagged releases where dependencies disappear after 2 weeks
- Can't expect code to compile on PRs
- What's CI?

This entry was edited (1 month ago)
in reply to Mathias Fußenegger

> People hate writing problem descriptions in commit messages or PRs, but love conventional commit prefixes

😅 I also tend to think that the industry is bottom-heavy with more inexperienced people, so the "average" developer may only be 3-5 years in the job (just a guess)

in reply to Dan Leech

@dantleech yep the demographic is fairly skewed. To add to that, there's quite some bias in my exposure due to the work on/around neovim, where I assume there are more students active than in other projects.

But some of the more shocking things were also from repositories maintained by high profile companies

Daniel Siepmann reshared this.

Albert Einstein’s first wife Mileva (Mitza) Marić was also a brilliant physicist. They met at the Polytechnic Institute of Zurich, where she had fought for special permissions to attend and where she received higher marks than Albert. Mitza put in as much if not more work on their theories but wasn’t credited because Albert told her their works wouldn’t get published with a woman’s name on them. Many of his lecture notes are in Mitza’s handwriting, and Albert was once heard at a party saying, “I need my wife, she helps solve all of my mathematical problems.” 80% of Einstein’s famous works were published during this marriage, referred to as his “magic years.” Those magic years ended abruptly after they divorced due to his infidelity and abandonment.

Happy #womenshistorymonth

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Daniel Siepmann reshared this.

Ich habe wieder gebloggt:

Warum es notwendig ist, den Alt-Text eines Bildes immer passend zum Artikel-Kontext zu erstellen und warum zentral gespeicherte Alt-Texte diese Anforderung nicht erfüllen.

Und auch wenn ich mein Lieblings-CMS #TYPO3 mit keinen Wort erwähne, ist der Artikel doch stark von meinen Erfahrungen damit geprägt. (nur auf Deutsch verfügbar) #barrierefreiheit #accessibility

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in reply to Albrecht Köhnlein 🚀

Jetzt erstmal ohne den Blog-Artikel zu lesen: Das ist ein Feature, dass bei Drupal fehlt! (Da werden die Alt-Texte und Bildunterschriften zentral gespeichert und können nicht, out of the box, bei der Einbindung überschrieben werden.
in reply to Philipp Weiß

@thewhite969 Oh. Das *kann* gut gehen, so lange man ein Bild nur einmal auf der Website verwendet. 😕

Daniel Siepmann reshared this.

Germany's BSI, their equivalent of CISA, rates #Firefox as the only browser that meets all of their minimum standards for data security, privacy, and integrity.
(in English)

(in German)

This entry was edited (1 month ago)

Daniel Siepmann reshared this.

Daniel Siepmann reshared this.

I haven't talked much about my day job, but now feels like the right time since I recently moved away from management back into a content + community-driven role at @thunderbird.

As successful as the Thunderbird project is, there's a lot of room for us to improve our community engagement, whether that's creating a more welcoming environment for new contributors OR just being a fun "third place" for our users.

What do YOU think is missing right now? What can we do better? 👂

#FOSS #Community

This entry was edited (1 month ago)

Daniel Siepmann reshared this.

in reply to Jason Evangelho

Talk to the extension developers about their needs. It avoids breaking stuff.
Also consider to hire them and Upstream some of their work.
in reply to Jason Evangelho

For my work I would like a better integration with Exchange and Office 365. I hate Outlook, it would really help me out.

Tnx for all your hard work.

Daniel Siepmann reshared this.

Spend 6 hours squize out 4 minutes more minutes of the rendering process of #typo3 changelog rendering. By now the rendering process without cache takes 2.15 min on my laptop.
This does not only save time but also a lot of computing power. How much CO2 reduction would this be in the long term?
#php #documentation

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in reply to Jaapio

Thanks you. Nice to see more people to worry about green it :) highly appreciated.

Daniel Siepmann reshared this.

I am looking for a spare ticket for TYPO3 camp Dresden for a friend. If you hear a whisper, give me a shout? #typo3 #t3cmd24 #t3cmd

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Two new great German songs from “Deine Cousine”, fitting for the world women's day. Looking forward to the concert.

in reply to TYPO3 Commits

Irgendwie juckt es mich gerade den typeNum als Array zu übergeben und zu schauen, was alles kaputt geht 😁

Daniel Siepmann reshared this.

It turns out that I will be at #dpc24 during the conference day. Who will be there? Would love to talk with some people about @phpdoc and other nice things that are currently happening.

Wanna talk send me a message and I will try to find you during the day

Daniel Siepmann reshared this.

Dr. Mark Benecke erklärte letztes Jahr an der TU Dortmund den aktuellen Stand der Klimaerwärmung:

Sollte man jedem zeigen der sich über "Klimaterrorismus", Klimakleber und alles aufregt.

Auch frustrierend langsam selbst zur Generation zu hören die den älteren Vorwürfen macht, aber die sich langsam auch schon selbst Vorwürfe anhören darf …

This entry was edited (1 month ago)
Unknown parent

Daniel Siepmann
Danke dafür, hatte es von YouTube hereingespielt bekommen und nicht nach weiteren Videos geguckt.
in reply to Daniel Siepmann

Ich folge ihm seit ner Weile und bekomme dann immer sie aktuellsten Videos. Ich finde, sie eignen sich gut, um auch Menschen abzuholen, die sich noch nicht so sehr damit beschäftigt haben oder keinen IPCC Report lesen wollen/können.

Daniel Siepmann reshared this.

"Aktienrente" heißt: Alle politischen Aktionen gegen Konzerne, gegen ihr Klimagift oder gegen ihren Einkauf aus Kindersklavenlagern im Ausland usw, werden künftig von der bürgerlichen Presse als "diese Proteste gefährden unser Renten!!1!" geframet. Konzerne haben dann unsere Renten in Geiselhaft.

Daniel Siepmann reshared this.

Daniel Siepmann reshared this.

We will have another remote code sprint on May 7th from 9am to 3 pm (UTC).

Further information are available at and an official announcement on will follow as well.

So feel free to mark the date in your calendars and join us in our TYPO3 Slack Channel.

Daniel Siepmann reshared this.

Daniel Siepmann reshared this.

Here’s a clear example of how aggressive the image processing has become on newer iPhones. This is a comparison between the iPhone 15 Pro Max and the iPhone 11 Pro Max, taking photos of distant text at equal magnification. Note how the 15 Pro Max’s image pipeline has made up all the details.

EDIT: I’m going to drop mentions of “AI” and “hallucinating” here because I think it’s conjuring up the wrong mental models in readers’ heads. What’s likely happening is over-eager noise reduction and sharpening (which may or may not have pattern matching) creating details where none exist. Every phone does some amount of NR and sharpening, but later iPhones are super aggressive in this regard, so much so that the results often depart from what we accept as “reality”.

#apple #iphone #imageProcessing

Original video:

This entry was edited (1 month ago)

Daniel Siepmann reshared this.

Currently working through the #TYPO3 “Community Budget Ideas 2024 Q2” as a company. Discussing and submitting our votes.

I really like the democratic approach and would like to see the same for our society.

Daniel Siepmann reshared this.

I announce the immediate availability of phpDocumentor/guides 1.0.0.

Read my full story on Linkedin or the image attached to this message.

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Peter Kraume :typo3: reshared this.

I didn't do any recap of events I've visited any more. I just enjoyed them.

But this year's Web Camp Venlo ( #WCV ) pushed me to write a blog post:
It was such an awesome event. I learned so much about #software development. And I think it is all about humans.

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Daniel Siepmann reshared this.

God knows I love #oss #foss. You're all great!
#foss #oss

Daniel Siepmann reshared this.

Daniel Siepmann reshared this.

Is the recent #Fediverse #spam wave over? We hope so. Thanks to all #instanceAdmins for cleaning this up.

What can we learn from this? Some thoughts regarding #ForgeFederation:

#ForgeFed #Forgejo

Daniel Siepmann reshared this.

in reply to

the only problem I have with that take is at the end, where you essentially described some kind of whitelist federation. This invariably leads to smaller devs running their own infra being hit the most, as they could have to pass through opaque, arbitrary procedures before being able to federate at all. Or well, they can federate, but no one will hear them, except other small people, in the same situation. Therefore, I recommend a different way of doing this, what I begun calling capability based federation. It works as follows:

  • the first level is restricted: the remote instance can see users of the local instance and follow them. On the remote side, users will see activities from the users they followed, but not the other way round. However, the local user can go in the profile of that person and boost their posts, increasing a score which allows the profile to go to the second stage
  • visible: posts are visible in the federated timeline, but they can't be boosted by local users who aren't following that person, not yet. For that, afew more follows and perhaps boosts like stage 1 are required for stage 3:
  • unrestricted: all restrictions are lifted, and federation can go as advertised

all those capabilities are given by the system, perhaps automatically and with a transparent and simple ruleset, and as quickly, all of them can be removed by administrators. Furthermore, those stages are sets of smaller capabilities, which when granted, they also come with logging facilities which log exactly what user in the chain promoted spam, in which case, capabilities could either be removed one by one, or in bulks.
what do you think?

in reply to the esoteric programmer

@esoteric_programmer The implementation is not for us to decide in the end. However, the problem with Free Software development, is that the first-time-interactions (e.g. reporting an issue, sending a patch) are often the most important. You often don't follow a project and share its activity, you often look out for their online presence when you have the first problem.

The proposl in the blog means that you can interact with Codeberg if you have interacted successfully with others in the past.

Daniel Siepmann reshared this.

Tumblr and WordPress data is sold to train AI without user's consent.

A good day to spread @matthiasott's hashtag #OwnYourWeb

Btw. does anyone have a good overview for robots.txt file to disallow access for known AI bots?

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Daniel Siepmann reshared this.

there's a new crypto spam wave targeting open-source projects.

if you're a maintainer, watch out for PRs adding tea.yaml

if you're a user, watch out for project maintainers themselves adding tea.yaml to their repos. it's indicative of their values

Daniel Siepmann reshared this.

Daniel Siepmann reshared this.

Ihr wisst schon alle, dass ihr in #Firefox einfach die Option „cookiebanners.service.mode“ auf 1 setzen müsst und dann behandelt der Browser so weit es geht die #CookieBanner für euch?

Konkret wir da automatisch „Reject all“ geklickt, falls es geht und ansonsten halt akzeptiert. So wie man es als Mensch eben auch macht.

Zugänglich ist die option über ansteuern von „about:config“ und dann Suche danach.

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in reply to Thomas Kahle

Ja das ist genau mein Problem, man findet fast nur Posts wo dann steht das man ne 2 eintragen soll. Aber gerade von offizieller Seite gibt es quasi nichts. Sehr schade, aber danke.

Daniel Siepmann reshared this.

I believe that #FreeSoftware #development needs free software #tools.

I’m tired of all the excuses for injecting #proprietary software like #GitHub, #Discord, #Transifex, #Slack, etc. into the development workflow. What's the point of making free software then?

We *do* have good free software tools available, we just need to use them.

Projects like #Forgejo show us exactly how it's done. Free software all the way, no compromises, no excuses. 👍

This is exactly the right direction.

Daniel Siepmann reshared this.

Daniel Siepmann reshared this. Kurze Durchsage von Jensen Huang:Jensen Huang says kids shouldn't learn to code — they should leave it up to AIDas muss man verstehen. Der nimmt an, dass alle bloß talentlose Großmäuler sind wie er. Und für Blender ist "KI" super! Liefert prima Bullshit am Fließband und man kann am Ende einfach sagen, die "KI" sei schlecht gewesen.Ich habe hier schon ein paar Mal erzählt, dass ich bei der Lektüre von Dystopie-Scifi immer unrealistisch fand, dass die Menschen...

Daniel Siepmann reshared this.

Daniel Siepmann reshared this.

Es ist wieder soweit: Für meine Studierenden an der Hochschule Ansbach suche ich sinnstiftende, digitale Design- und Entwicklungsprojekte mit Schwerpunkt #Barrierefreiheit, an denen sie sich zwischen März und Juli 2024 versuchen und beweisen können. Als Projektstiftende kommen etwa ehrenamtliche Initiativen, soziale Organisationen oder gemeinnützige Vereine in Frage. Einreichungsschluss ist der 22. März. Alle Details gibt's im @tollwerk-Blog — danke fürs Verteilen! ❤️

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I'd say it is astonishing that #MicrosoftTeams via @Pidgin Instant Messenger is more stable than via their own web interface. But yeah … it probably isn't. It is Microsoft, doing web. Microsoft is probably the worst Software company out there. In future, I'll refuse to work for customers using Microsoft Software …

Do you know some #WebSearch that searches the #SmallWeb or #IndependentWeb, something beside the big players?

E.g. I want to get opinions about whether to use or not use assert() within PHP. And I bet there are a couple of posts out there with pros and cons and opinions on general. I'm looking for them.

But general searches only return docs, StackOverflow, etc. …

Unknown parent

Daniel Siepmann
Will give it another try in some hours / days. Right now it doesn't work, also the status page seems to be broken as well:
Unknown parent

Thats correct. Its an Mac-only meta search engine. You can define a variety of sources beside the big players.

Peter Kraume :typo3: reshared this.

Nikita published version 0.6.0 of #TYPO3 extension content_blocks:

Awesome progress, really looking forward TYPO3 v13 LTS. Give the extension a try within TYPO3 v12 already :)

AndreasKessel reshared this.

Daniel Siepmann reshared this.

LLMs environmental costs are probably way bigger than anyone knows

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Daniel Siepmann reshared this.

Wir könnten in einer Welt leben, in der "zeig mir alle Kinovorstellungen von Dune Part Two in Originalfassung im Umkreis von 100 km um diese drei Orte, am Donnerstag oder Freitag zwischen 10 und 17 Uhr, sortiert nach wie viel Prozent des Kinosaals bereits reserviert sind" eine in zwei Sekunden beantwortete Suchabfrage ist.

Technisch ist das um Größenordnungen einfacher als "generier mir ein Video von einer lila Kuh auf einem Skateboard".

Aber nein.

We chose to do bullshit instead.

Daniel Siepmann reshared this.

Daniel Siepmann reshared this.

Dear developers: Please stop using random valid domains in your examples or documentation, there are dedicated domain names and IP ranges for that.

For domain names for example use:


For IP address ranges for example use:

Reference: [IPv4] or

The infrastructure people.

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in reply to Leah (Cloudstylistin)

is there a tool that scans some text or markdown file and outputs all locations with a valid ipv6 or ipv4 address, or domain name, or other, and presents an example replacement ?

Daniel Siepmann reshared this.

At some #TYPO3 barcamp (was it #T3CMD23?), I attended a session on data anonymization (names, email addresses, IP addresses) while keeping the relational integrity of the data intact. I don't remember the name of the tool, though, and would be grateful for any pointers.

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in reply to Oliver Klee

Maybe it was by @mhuber84?

Daniel Siepmann reshared this.

What is a good way to get files from a laptop (linux) to an android phone? I find whatever I do super annoying. Cable is annoying. Anything Internet is out, because too slow. Synthing kinda does what I'd like if it was reliable, but it tends to only work every now and then, and regularly fails with problems where I don't find solutions.

Daniel Siepmann reshared this.

Daniel Siepmann reshared this.

Ich suche eine open-source-affine Web-Agentur, die in der Lage ist, eine mit Static Site Generator gebaute Website in einem git-Repository zu pflegen, Themes anzupassen und ggf. von Hugo nach Zola zu portieren.

Gerne auch Freelancer statt Agentur.

Vorschläge ;)?

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