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Daniel Siepmann reshared this.

Dieser Cartoon geht momentan wieder mal in mehreren textlich veränderten Versionen rum.
Mir ist das egal. Meine Follower wissen ja: das hier ist das einzig echte Original. Und ich bin mir sicher, deshalb teilen sie das Original heute besonders häufig. ✊

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in reply to Ralph Ruthe

Kannte ich noch gar nicht 😁 Die Tränensäcke unter dem allwissenden Auge - ich liebe solche Details 😊
in reply to Ralph Ruthe

Leider doch lieber Allmächtiger und das ist völlig misslungen.

Daniel Siepmann reshared this.

Been 3 months with my #Fairphone5 and the #iodeOS is still awesome, the phone still works great, the battery still lasts and I am still satisfied with my purchase.

If you're looking for a way to do something good and are looking for a new phone... Look no further.

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My boyfriend uses the vacation to learn programming.

He finished basic HTML and is currently working on CSS.

He want to do web development based on #python.

Any recommendations for totally new unexperienced people to get started with python web development?

Django and other frameworks look way too much compared to php. Is there an easy entry?

Unknown parent

Daniel Siepmann
Thanks, that side is very helpful. Also in general, beside the Flask specifics.
Unknown parent

Daniel Siepmann
Thanks :) I totally forgot about codewars.
Excercism looks also promising for myself to play around with other languages. Thanks for sharing.

Daniel Siepmann reshared this.

Discover the significance of trailing slashes in URLs and how they impact SEO and user experience. Learn best practices and TYPO3 solutions with b13's expert guide.

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Daniel Siepmann reshared this.

did anyone have "small bunny with smokey eyes munching on a grape while sitting inside a squash" on their bingo card for today?

#bunny #rabbit

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in reply to canpolat Git reshared this.

That looks awesome. Can't do it now but I'm trying it Monday
This entry was edited (3 weeks ago)

Daniel Siepmann reshared this.

We are proud to be home to #Redict, the #fork of the formerly free (but no longer) Redis project. We are using #Redis on our own infrastructure for caching, and we are looking forward to migrate to the new version, then fetched from Codeberg. A small world … 😉

Missed the story? Get up to date here:

Directly check out the code? Check the #Codeberg repo:

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in reply to

great to have a fork but that name is a trademark lawsuits to happen…
in reply to

I just love the fact that @drewdevault applied #REUSE from the start to make the different licensing transparent - it's a perfect use case, and it shows that the author cares about unambiguity and sustainability.

/Cc @fsfe

Daniel Siepmann reshared this.

In the past 5 years that I have been working for @ingewikkeld I was able to spend almost every Friday on my open source work. Which sums up to about 20% of my time with @Skoop and @mvriel. A full year of development!

Curious what #foss can do for you or your company? Talk to @Skoop he is able to explain this very well!

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Daniel Siepmann reshared this.

Me, an idiot: “So, kids, by setting the thermostat a little lower and eating less meat, we’re doing our part to make the world more sustainable”

VCs, very smart: “We just raised $100 billion dollars from the sovereign wealth funds of three petrostates to build the world’s largest AI supercomputer. It uses as much power and water as Guatemala and the primary use case is for management consultants to autogenerate powerpoints for justifying mass layoffs.”

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Daniel Siepmann reshared this.

Hey, #WebCampVenlo, did you publish this today because of my previous toot? That's so #cool! (Or — if not — so #karma!) ❤️

Ladies and gentlemen: An example of what a thought-provoking full-length #FOSS talk with @horncologne and I can look like.

Daniel Siepmann reshared this.

Daniel Siepmann reshared this.

If you had code on GitHub at any point it looks like it might be included in a large dataset called “The Stack” — If you want your code removed from this massive “ai” training data go here:

I found two of my old Github repos in there. Both were deleted last year and both were private. This is a serious breach of trust by Github and @huggingface.

Remove all your code from Github.


Edit — thanks for all the replies. More context here:

Also the repos i found of mine i’m sure were private, but even if they were public at some point, for a brief time, in the past that isn’t my consent to use them for purposes beyond their intent.

Edit 2 -- I see this made it to HN, which is a level of attention I do not want nor appreciate....

For all those wondering about the private repo issue -- No, I am not 100% sure that these ancient repos weren't at some point public for a split second before I changed it. I do know that they were never meant for this and that one of them didn't even contain any code.

If my accidentally making a repo public for a moment just so happened to overlap with this scraping, then I guess that's possible. But it in no way invalidates the issues, and the anger that i feel about it.

This entry was edited (4 weeks ago)

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Daniel Siepmann reshared this.

So, I have a few days this and next week to spend on helping you! Can I help you? Perhaps you're stuck somewhere? Need some advice on architecture, or how to contribute to open source with your company? Help me help you, and I'll make a special price, just for you!

Contact me here on Mastodon, or shoot me an email:

#php #softwaredevelopment #opensource

Daniel Siepmann reshared this.

Daniel Siepmann reshared this.

Years ago I started planning my #opensource work to ensure I spent some time on it every week. By that time Tuesday evening was the most suitable evening. And I still do this every week. Yes, sometimes I skip a week, but it helps to plan things you like. Who is with me? #php #foss

Daniel Siepmann reshared this.

in reply to Jaapio

That is a good way of working 👍

I realized that I started to plan it more consistent and I'm now roughly on Friday mornings every other week. But before your toot I didn't define it before, so thanks for that.

in reply to Tobias van Beek

@tvbeek I actually blocked my agenda, so I'm remembered every time I make an appointment. As I said it's not a hard restriction, but it helps.. before I had a lot of appointments on Tuesday, that I schedule now on other days

Daniel Siepmann reshared this.

As several people have asked him for a presentation on different channels, here's a demo from our #Translation Handling Initiative Team Member Jo Hasenau showing you the latest features of the #TYPO3 #TransFusion #Extension!

Enjoy and if you like it, please vote for our next level budget!

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in reply to Mathias Bolt Lesniak

I have the same experience as membership owner. Feels very democratic and empowering to influence the future of TYPO3.

We already look forward to see the next votings and outcomes of previous budgets.

I really like the changes to the budgets.

in reply to Daniel Siepmann

@danielsiepmann @ProvenPudding Yes, I love this uncomplicated, unbureaucratic way of using the association's funds. Communication and coordination take place directly with the community. The members have a direct influence. Applicants receive immediate feedback. I would like to see this form of funding expanded further. 👍

Daniel Siepmann reshared this.

TIL: when using shivammathur/setup-php@v2 you need to define ini-file: "development" to get php to emit deprecation warnings.

otherwise your unit tests won't catch deprecation warnings and the CI will unexpectedly succeed.


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in reply to markus staab

thanks! Glad I'm migrating everything to centralised workflows

Daniel Siepmann reshared this.

Modern Git Commands and Features You Should Be Using

Unknown parent Git reshared this.

It's so anoying that at $WORK we have multiple git repos with symbolic link that points above their respective .git to each other and need to be in sync. So of course git workree and git bisect don't work that well…
This entry was edited (1 month ago)
in reply to lysdexic Git reshared this.

I just took a stab at git worktree at work this week after rereading this article. It's amazing. We were in the process of upgrading our UI component library and I was able to checkout pre/post upgrade branches without having to continuously npm install to swap between dependencies.

Plus I'm pretty sure I could have both "versions" of our repo locally running at the same time so I could do UI comparisons...but I didn't actually get that far.

Daniel Siepmann reshared this.

Schrödingers documentation:
If there are docs, noone will read them.
If there are no docs, everyone will complain.

Daniel Siepmann reshared this.

Releasing a project after 2 years is always fun. updating dependencies, bumping php version, finding out that the PHAR build no longer works...

But here is Fink 0.11.2:

It's a pretty decent PHP link checker, and was one of those fun projects that had a limited scope and as such could be considered "done".

This entry was edited (1 month ago)

Daniel Siepmann reshared this.

in reply to Dan Leech

If I have an anchor # in my link, is it going to download the URL and check if there’s an HTML element with that ID in that document? That would definitely sell it to me!


in reply to Ondřej Mirtes

pretty sure it doesn't at the moment, but a valid feature request :) (looks reasonably possible)
This entry was edited (1 month ago)

Daniel Siepmann reshared this.

Pretty ashamed of some of the behavior @michelle is describing. Women in tech get so much shit. It's so sad. #DPC24

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Daniel Siepmann reshared this.

Now hearing about a greener web, @michelle is saying the web is more like a world wide waste #DPC24

Daniel Siepmann reshared this.

Daniel Siepmann reshared this.

TIL about composer/unused, very nice! #DPC24

Daniel Siepmann reshared this.

in reply to Skoop (Stefan Koopmanschap)

yeah it's great! I discovered it as a great companion (and counter balance) to Composer Require Checker:

Daniel Siepmann reshared this.

Die Ampel wollte der Gruppe der Linken das Recht auf kl. Anfragen auf 10 je Monat beschränken, dagegen reichten wir Klage beim Bundesverfassungsgericht ein. Nun knickt die Ampel ein: Bis zum Urteil im Hauptverfahren, dürfen wir wieder unbegrenzt #KleineAnfragen stellen! ❤️✊❤️

Daniel Siepmann reshared this.

in reply to Anke Domscheit-Berg

Sagen und meinen die Ampelparteien nicht, sie wären Demokraten? Bekämpfung der Linken ist Aufbau der Rechten!
in reply to Anke Domscheit-Berg

wie geht nochmal das alte Sprichwort - Wer nicht fragt bleibt dumm. Und, wer Angst vor Fragen hat ist dumm.
Oder hat was zu verbergen; aber das ist was anderes.

Daniel Siepmann reshared this.

I had this idea for quite some time and just needed 30 minutes to throw it together.

UTM Fun Browser Extension: Because just removing UTM parameters from links is boring. 🎲

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Daniel Siepmann reshared this.

Hey #TYPO3 community! A couple of days ago @pixel started a document to give people new to #Mastodon and the #Fediverse in general some help.

It would be great to have some more names from our community on the list of accounts to follow. Please add yourself here:

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Daniel Siepmann reshared this.

Stolen from Slashdot:

"AI is a marketing term. Like 3D was 20 years ago, and 32-bit was 30 years ago. Everything is AI because if it isn't, it's no longer sexy."

Daniel Siepmann reshared this.

in reply to :debian: 𝚜𝚎𝚕𝚎𝚊 :t_blink:

it's pretty ironic that actual AI-generated content is so low quality that when I see that something is "AI" I hope that they're lying, the best outcome is false advertising

Daniel Siepmann reshared this.

An important reminder for all of us freelancers:
This entry was edited (1 month ago)

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Daniel Siepmann reshared this.

Passkeys! Passkeys! Come get yur Passkeys!!
We have released KeePassXC 2.7.7 with full support for Passkeys through the browser integration service. This release also brings 1Password and Bitwarden importers and many other enhancements. Read more here:

Daniel Siepmann reshared this.

in reply to Team KeePassXC

my problem is to use the browser integration plugin with my flatpaked firefox 🙄

Daniel Siepmann reshared this.

Künstliche Demenz

Content warning: Ich bin schon vor Monaten über einen Artikel auf heise gestolpert, der das potentielle Phänomen der „Demenz bei Künstlicher Intelligenz“ beschreibt. Die nächste Generation von KI-Anwendungen werde unweigerlich auch an Datensätzen im Netz trainiert, die ni

This entry was edited (1 month ago)

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I really need to say thanks to @Matthias Noback for his workshop at this year's #WebCampVenlo.

I promised him at the end I will start to make use of the learnings on my daily work.
But indeed I already had a small session at the camp two days later, talking about what I've learned. How it already changed my point of view to #TYPO3, DBAL, etc. and their breaking changes.

You can find the “talk” online at

And I still need to read the rest of his book

This entry was edited (1 month ago)

Daniel Siepmann reshared this.

Welchen Usecase braucht es, damit b13/menus seine Stärke so richtig zeigen kann? Bzw. wo wirkt sich der beschriebene Speicherplatzverbrauch aus? 🤔
Interessiere mich für die technischen Hintergründe der Extension. Gibts da irgendwo was nachzulesen oder können wir mal dazu reden?
#TYPO3 #b13 #menus

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in reply to Julian Hofmann

bin gespannt ob du einen Nutzen für die Extension hast!
in reply to benni

Ui, Benni is active on Mastodon! I really hope to read more from you here! 👍

@benni @Xitnelat

in reply to benni

PR fürs Projekt ist eingereicht - bleibt nur noch Diskussion im Team. Im Zusammenspiel mit Rausnehmen der ViewHelper schaut sie aber immernoch nützlich aus.
Danke für unser Gespräch.

Thanks @Peter Kraume :typo3: for being an eye-opener. I've created a small blog post regarding issues I have with #GitHub concept of Forks and Pull Requests, and some proposals to overcome this.

I hope projects like @Forgejo can overcome those issues as I don't expect Microsoft to put work into that after such a long time. But maybe I am the only one seeing those issues.

This entry was edited (1 month ago)

Daniel Siepmann reshared this.

Hey #TYPO3 community!

While a lot of people already have moved over to the fediverse from X (formerly known as Twitter), there's still some people that are stuck over there. Mostly citing problems of discovering content or finding an initial home.

I decided to write a document on Notes, which contains starting info and a list of accounts you can add yourself to, if you want 👀

Once some accounts are in the list, I'll also share that on Twitter.

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in reply to Andy

Thx a lot for the initiative! I think we should also add a section about Mastodon clients since at least for me it only started to make real fun when Ivory came to life.
in reply to Peter Kraume :typo3:

And maybe we should also list at least some other accounts which are close to the TYPO3 project, e.g. PHPStan, PHPUnit, PHP CS Fixer, Sebastian Bergmann, Xdebug, Derick Rethans, you name it
in reply to Peter Kraume :typo3:

@cybersmog Great initiative. @brotkrueml we might want to link this in a documentation somewhere? Maybe or at the bottom of where "help" is linked?
in reply to Andy

thank you for this good list! :blobcatthx: It's a very good starting point for new members of the fediverse. #TYPO3 #community

Daniel Siepmann reshared this.

Good article on comparing Tailwind vs. Sematic CSS:

Especially with modern CSS I enjoy working with semantic CSS and it often does not require any additional tooling.

Daniel Siepmann reshared this.

Daniel Siepmann reshared this.

I often wonder what the average programmer should be capable of and what standard practices are.

Based on the last couple of years:

- Writing tests is not standard
- Almost never see TDD being done
- People hate writing problem descriptions in commit messages or PRs, but love conventional commit prefixes
- Debugging 101 is often lacking (test case reduction, logs?)
- Tagged releases where dependencies disappear after 2 weeks
- Can't expect code to compile on PRs
- What's CI?

This entry was edited (1 month ago)
in reply to Mathias Fußenegger

> People hate writing problem descriptions in commit messages or PRs, but love conventional commit prefixes

😅 I also tend to think that the industry is bottom-heavy with more inexperienced people, so the "average" developer may only be 3-5 years in the job (just a guess)

in reply to Dan Leech

@dantleech yep the demographic is fairly skewed. To add to that, there's quite some bias in my exposure due to the work on/around neovim, where I assume there are more students active than in other projects.

But some of the more shocking things were also from repositories maintained by high profile companies

Daniel Siepmann reshared this.

Albert Einstein’s first wife Mileva (Mitza) Marić was also a brilliant physicist. They met at the Polytechnic Institute of Zurich, where she had fought for special permissions to attend and where she received higher marks than Albert. Mitza put in as much if not more work on their theories but wasn’t credited because Albert told her their works wouldn’t get published with a woman’s name on them. Many of his lecture notes are in Mitza’s handwriting, and Albert was once heard at a party saying, “I need my wife, she helps solve all of my mathematical problems.” 80% of Einstein’s famous works were published during this marriage, referred to as his “magic years.” Those magic years ended abruptly after they divorced due to his infidelity and abandonment.

Happy #womenshistorymonth

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