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Matthias Noback reshared this.

Today I could start #programming for a new project. I applied the learnings from @Matthias Noback workshop regarding #software architecture.

And well … It works good so far. And so many more things now make sense and work, e.g. TDD. I thought TDD doesn't make sense, except for some cases. But now with a different point of view to how to create and structure software … it now works. I could develop the current project fully #TDD.

I can highly recommend his workshops :)

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Peter Kraume :typo3: reshared this.

I didn't do any recap of events I've visited any more. I just enjoyed them.

But this year's Web Camp Venlo ( #WCV ) pushed me to write a blog post:
It was such an awesome event. I learned so much about #software development. And I think it is all about humans.

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