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Followup with learnings to my rant about #PWA:

It is working right now. The issue seems to be #Firefox. I really love the browser, but it doesn't allow me to develop and debug ServiceWorkers and PWA properly.

Chromium on the other hand has all the necessary tools. Ensure to properly provide the scope to ServiceWorker registration in order to intercept network requests.
That last thing was missing. I use a CMS (#TYPO3) which will load assets from special folders. The folder itself will be the default scope of a service worker. A service worker only can intercept requests of its own scope. So adding the proper scope to registration fixed my last issue.

And Firefox still doesn't allow me to install the PWA on Android … But the service workers are running within Firefox is our real goal to allow users to use a part of the website while being offline on location is reached.

Sorry, but I need to #rant about this situation.

I'm a backend developer but couldn't find a #frontend developer to help me out. So I tried to get into #PWA on my own.
I head over to Mozilla Developer Network and everything looked so simple. I tried to convert my web app into a PWA and debugged via Firefox. But didn't get any issues, except it didn't work. I tried to find more help. MDN links to Microsoft and GitHub for concrete, way to complex, examples.
I turn on chromium to use lighthouse to get a proper report. That helps and I could fix some issues. Which accordingly to MDN would not be necessary.. But it now yells at me without concrete issues, and without concrete to dos.

Is this the modern internet? I learned the internet as a way where everyone with some free and open sources could put things on.

But it now feels like you need first to buy some knowledge from some closed source companies like Microsoft using closed source software in order to finally achieve something.

BTW: This project is not to make money, it is to help preserve memory of holocaust in Germany at a location where there is no mobile network. Therefore the project needs to work was PWA.

Maybe someone can jump in a point me to a very minimal example that is working? Or other helpful sources or has some hints how to debug? Current status: I can't install the PWA. You can find current proof of concept here:

Lighthouse tells me it is installable. But Firefox doesn't allow me to install the PWA. How can I debug installation of PWA for #Firefox or find a linter, or something? And Chromium won't execute my service worker.

Albrecht Köhnlein 🚀 reshared this.

Sorry, but I need to #rant about this situation.

I'm a backend developer but couldn't find a #frontend developer to help me out. So I tried to get into #PWA on my own.
I head over to Mozilla Developer Network and everything looked so simple. I tried to convert my web app into a PWA and debugged via Firefox. But didn't get any issues, except it didn't work. I tried to find more help. MDN links to Microsoft and GitHub for concrete, way to complex, examples.
I turn on chromium to use lighthouse to get a proper report. That helps and I could fix some issues. Which accordingly to MDN would not be necessary.. But it now yells at me without concrete issues, and without concrete to dos.

Is this the modern internet? I learned the internet as a way where everyone with some free and open sources could put things on.

But it now feels like you need first to buy some knowledge from some closed source companies like Microsoft using closed source software in order to finally achieve something.

BTW: This project is not to make money, it is to help preserve memory of holocaust in Germany at a location where there is no mobile network. Therefore the project needs to work was PWA.

Maybe someone can jump in a point me to a very minimal example that is working? Or other helpful sources or has some hints how to debug? Current status: I can't install the PWA. You can find current proof of concept here:

Lighthouse tells me it is installable. But Firefox doesn't allow me to install the PWA. How can I debug installation of PWA for #Firefox or find a linter, or something? And Chromium won't execute my service worker.

This entry was edited (3 months ago)

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in reply to Daniel Siepmann

Firefox desktop doesn't support PWA installation, so I hope you aren't trying there.
in reply to yoasif

Doesn't work on mobile Firefox or Safari for me as well...

But thanks for the hint :)