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Daniel Siepmann reshared this.

I contributed to two new projects today. I'm using both for a client. One was a typo in a variable preventing the object from being serialized properly. The other was a wrong example in the documentation of a package that cost me a few hours to figure out what I was doing wrong.
How did you improve your #foss today?

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Daniel Siepmann reshared this.

AI generation when writing software is a false economy. You are replacing writing code with code review. Code review is harder and requires you to already have an understanding of the domain which often means that you would’ve even able to write it yourself to begin with. If you code gen something because you don’t know how to write it yourself, you by definition cannot review it without going though an effort equivalent to writing it yourself in the first place.

Unless of course you don’t care about code review and so doom yourself into treating software like magical incantations that break randomly for no perceivable reason; but no good mage would do that, surely.

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in reply to Mary​:icosahedron:

I've heard some use AI to generate boring boilerplate code. I'd argue that then your framework, tooling or architectute is broken in the first place, as it forces you to write boilerplate code.

Daniel Siepmann reshared this.

The secret to succeeding in technology is to build exciting things with boring technology.

Boring tech is well-understood and the edge cases well-known.

Your product should be what’s exciting, not your stack or your devops.

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Daniel Siepmann reshared this.

📣 Montag 19 Uhr dreht sich beim User Group Treffen alles um #TYPO3 v13: @luisasofie stellt uns die Roadmap vor und Oli Bartsch zeigt uns die neuen APIs für Developer und Integratoren.
Luisa und Oli werden live aus Fuerteventura vom TYPO3 #Surfcamp 🏄‍♀️ 🌴 zugeschaltet!

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Daniel Siepmann reshared this.

✨ TIL ✨:

You can have #git auto-pick `` and `` based on repository remotes' URLs.

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Daniel Siepmann reshared this.

Best addition to any #Node package.json, #PHP composer.json or other dependency managers file would be a mandatory „why“ field for each single dependency which requires a minimum number of sensible words.

Could make devs think twice before adding and help (me) when upgrading projects after some time.


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Daniel Siepmann reshared this.

How the xz backdoor highlights a major flaw in Nix | Shade's Blog

in reply to Atemu Nix / NixOS reshared this.

You are right, it will be a mess to pull xz from a different hash. This is why you go back to an older build, and keep only packages you need on the newer version.
in reply to GarlicToast Nix / NixOS reshared this.

Those packages themselves depend on xz. Pretty much all of them.

What you're suggesting would only make the xz executable not be backdoored anymore but any other application using liblzma would still be as vulnerable as before. That's actually the only currently known attack vector; inject malicious code into SSHD via liblzma.

Matthias Noback reshared this.

Today I could start #programming for a new project. I applied the learnings from @Matthias Noback workshop regarding #software architecture.

And well … It works good so far. And so many more things now make sense and work, e.g. TDD. I thought TDD doesn't make sense, except for some cases. But now with a different point of view to how to create and structure software … it now works. I could develop the current project fully #TDD.

I can highly recommend his workshops :)

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Daniel Siepmann reshared this.

Here's a fun AI story: a security researcher noticed that large companies' AI-authored source-code repeatedly referenced a nonexistent library (an AI "hallucination"), so he created a (defanged) malicious library with that name and uploaded it, and thousands of developers automatically downloaded and incorporated it as they compiled the code:


This entry was edited (1 month ago)

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Daniel Siepmann reshared this.

Company policy mandated "first letter of first name + last name" as username.

For years, Nick O’Reply wondered why nobody ever replied to his emails.

Daniel Siepmann reshared this.

in reply to ploum

Fun story. When I was at uni the rule for postgrads was two letter department code + surname. A Mr O'Leary insisted on the ' being included and all hell broke loose. He eventually ended up being unique in having cs plus his first name.
in reply to ploum

Robert Oot, however, finds that he never has "permission denied" errors

Daniel Siepmann reshared this.

This is a great article from @Di4na, and I strongly agree with his point: open source / free software project developers, contributors, and maintainers are not "suppliers".

The "software supply chain" metaphor puts demands in the wrong place, and responsibility in the wrong direction.

Yet, it's a very powerful way to help companies understand their reliance on the labor of others.

What different metaphor or picture would be as strong, but with reverse polarity?

in reply to Matthew Miller

one of the ordinal points that the FSF were making back in the 1980s was that as a user of free software you had the freedom to change the software yourself _or pay anyone else you chose to do it for you_ - in contrast to proprietary software which left you at the mercy of the vendor. It didn't say you could shame, flame or guilt the original author into making your changes (whether for free or otherwise), just that you weren't tied to that author for meeting your needs.

Somehow we seem now to have conflated "supply" and "support" and we're poorer for it.

AndreasKessel reshared this.

Really cool to see the final 0.7.0 of #TYPO3 content blocks available
So many great things made it into the release.

I'm looking forward to see the integration into TYPO3 itself.

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Daniel Siepmann reshared this.

Git as debugging tool

Daniel Siepmann reshared this.

Saying „no“ to anyone putting pressure or guilt on you is a good rule for life generally.
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Daniel Siepmann reshared this.

Wenn es um #Bayern und #Hessen geht, benutze ich nur noch das generische Femininum. Da kann man die beiden Ministerpräsidentinnen so richtig schön auf die Palme bringen.


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Daniel Siepmann reshared this.

Today I realise that the ASCII code for '*' (the wildcard in regex) is 42.
Which means that, in “The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy”, when Deep Thought replied ‘42’ to "What is the answer to life, the universe, and everything?", it actually meant "Anything you want"

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Daniel Siepmann reshared this.

A large contingent of webdevs seem to think that fast means “best-case fast.”

“Our web sites are fast on expensive hardware and from reliable fiber networks.”

Worst-case fast is a much more meaningful, impressive, and inclusive claim to make! Fast on low-end hardware. Fast on slow networks.

Fast on the World Wide Web—not just from a WeWork in Silicon Valley.

This entry was edited (1 month ago)

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array :java: :void: :php: reshared this.

My boyfriend is currently learning web development (HTML and CSS right now). That motivated me to play around with #programming languages.

@array :java: :void: :php: introduced me to which allows me to practice languages on my local machine. Thanks for that.

I'm publishing my progress at where you can see why #Nix is awesome. I've created a derivation for the exercism binary and one shell.nix per language.

That way I can play around with other language on my own system declarative. I guess this is a nice showcase for nix.

Daniel Siepmann reshared this.

Dieser Cartoon geht momentan wieder mal in mehreren textlich veränderten Versionen rum.
Mir ist das egal. Meine Follower wissen ja: das hier ist das einzig echte Original. Und ich bin mir sicher, deshalb teilen sie das Original heute besonders häufig. ✊

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in reply to Ralph Ruthe

Kannte ich noch gar nicht 😁 Die Tränensäcke unter dem allwissenden Auge - ich liebe solche Details 😊
in reply to Ralph Ruthe

Leider doch lieber Allmächtiger und das ist völlig misslungen.

Daniel Siepmann reshared this.

Been 3 months with my #Fairphone5 and the #iodeOS is still awesome, the phone still works great, the battery still lasts and I am still satisfied with my purchase.

If you're looking for a way to do something good and are looking for a new phone... Look no further.

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My boyfriend uses the vacation to learn programming.

He finished basic HTML and is currently working on CSS.

He want to do web development based on #python.

Any recommendations for totally new unexperienced people to get started with python web development?

Django and other frameworks look way too much compared to php. Is there an easy entry?

Unknown parent

Daniel Siepmann
Thanks, that side is very helpful. Also in general, beside the Flask specifics.
Unknown parent

Daniel Siepmann
Thanks :) I totally forgot about codewars.
Excercism looks also promising for myself to play around with other languages. Thanks for sharing.

Daniel Siepmann reshared this.

Discover the significance of trailing slashes in URLs and how they impact SEO and user experience. Learn best practices and TYPO3 solutions with b13's expert guide.

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Daniel Siepmann reshared this.

did anyone have "small bunny with smokey eyes munching on a grape while sitting inside a squash" on their bingo card for today?

#bunny #rabbit

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in reply to canpolat Git reshared this.

That looks awesome. Can't do it now but I'm trying it Monday
This entry was edited (1 month ago)

Daniel Siepmann reshared this.

We are proud to be home to #Redict, the #fork of the formerly free (but no longer) Redis project. We are using #Redis on our own infrastructure for caching, and we are looking forward to migrate to the new version, then fetched from Codeberg. A small world … 😉

Missed the story? Get up to date here:

Directly check out the code? Check the #Codeberg repo:

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in reply to

great to have a fork but that name is a trademark lawsuits to happen…
in reply to

I just love the fact that @drewdevault applied #REUSE from the start to make the different licensing transparent - it's a perfect use case, and it shows that the author cares about unambiguity and sustainability.

/Cc @fsfe

Daniel Siepmann reshared this.

In the past 5 years that I have been working for @ingewikkeld I was able to spend almost every Friday on my open source work. Which sums up to about 20% of my time with @Skoop and @mvriel. A full year of development!

Curious what #foss can do for you or your company? Talk to @Skoop he is able to explain this very well!

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Daniel Siepmann reshared this.

Me, an idiot: “So, kids, by setting the thermostat a little lower and eating less meat, we’re doing our part to make the world more sustainable”

VCs, very smart: “We just raised $100 billion dollars from the sovereign wealth funds of three petrostates to build the world’s largest AI supercomputer. It uses as much power and water as Guatemala and the primary use case is for management consultants to autogenerate powerpoints for justifying mass layoffs.”

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Daniel Siepmann reshared this.

Hey, #WebCampVenlo, did you publish this today because of my previous toot? That's so #cool! (Or — if not — so #karma!) ❤️

Ladies and gentlemen: An example of what a thought-provoking full-length #FOSS talk with @horncologne and I can look like.

Daniel Siepmann reshared this.

Daniel Siepmann reshared this.

If you had code on GitHub at any point it looks like it might be included in a large dataset called “The Stack” — If you want your code removed from this massive “ai” training data go here:

I found two of my old Github repos in there. Both were deleted last year and both were private. This is a serious breach of trust by Github and @huggingface.

Remove all your code from Github.


Edit — thanks for all the replies. More context here:

Also the repos i found of mine i’m sure were private, but even if they were public at some point, for a brief time, in the past that isn’t my consent to use them for purposes beyond their intent.

Edit 2 -- I see this made it to HN, which is a level of attention I do not want nor appreciate....

For all those wondering about the private repo issue -- No, I am not 100% sure that these ancient repos weren't at some point public for a split second before I changed it. I do know that they were never meant for this and that one of them didn't even contain any code.

If my accidentally making a repo public for a moment just so happened to overlap with this scraping, then I guess that's possible. But it in no way invalidates the issues, and the anger that i feel about it.

This entry was edited (1 month ago)

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Daniel Siepmann reshared this.

So, I have a few days this and next week to spend on helping you! Can I help you? Perhaps you're stuck somewhere? Need some advice on architecture, or how to contribute to open source with your company? Help me help you, and I'll make a special price, just for you!

Contact me here on Mastodon, or shoot me an email:

#php #softwaredevelopment #opensource

Daniel Siepmann reshared this.

Daniel Siepmann reshared this.

Years ago I started planning my #opensource work to ensure I spent some time on it every week. By that time Tuesday evening was the most suitable evening. And I still do this every week. Yes, sometimes I skip a week, but it helps to plan things you like. Who is with me? #php #foss

Daniel Siepmann reshared this.

in reply to Jaapio

That is a good way of working 👍

I realized that I started to plan it more consistent and I'm now roughly on Friday mornings every other week. But before your toot I didn't define it before, so thanks for that.

in reply to Tobias van Beek

@tvbeek I actually blocked my agenda, so I'm remembered every time I make an appointment. As I said it's not a hard restriction, but it helps.. before I had a lot of appointments on Tuesday, that I schedule now on other days

Daniel Siepmann reshared this.

As several people have asked him for a presentation on different channels, here's a demo from our #Translation Handling Initiative Team Member Jo Hasenau showing you the latest features of the #TYPO3 #TransFusion #Extension!

Enjoy and if you like it, please vote for our next level budget!

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in reply to Mathias Bolt Lesniak

I have the same experience as membership owner. Feels very democratic and empowering to influence the future of TYPO3.

We already look forward to see the next votings and outcomes of previous budgets.

I really like the changes to the budgets.

in reply to Daniel Siepmann

@danielsiepmann @ProvenPudding Yes, I love this uncomplicated, unbureaucratic way of using the association's funds. Communication and coordination take place directly with the community. The members have a direct influence. Applicants receive immediate feedback. I would like to see this form of funding expanded further. 👍

Daniel Siepmann reshared this.

TIL: when using shivammathur/setup-php@v2 you need to define ini-file: "development" to get php to emit deprecation warnings.

otherwise your unit tests won't catch deprecation warnings and the CI will unexpectedly succeed.


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in reply to markus staab

thanks! Glad I'm migrating everything to centralised workflows

Daniel Siepmann reshared this.

Modern Git Commands and Features You Should Be Using

Unknown parent Git reshared this.

It's so anoying that at $WORK we have multiple git repos with symbolic link that points above their respective .git to each other and need to be in sync. So of course git workree and git bisect don't work that well…
This entry was edited (1 month ago)
in reply to lysdexic Git reshared this.

I just took a stab at git worktree at work this week after rereading this article. It's amazing. We were in the process of upgrading our UI component library and I was able to checkout pre/post upgrade branches without having to continuously npm install to swap between dependencies.

Plus I'm pretty sure I could have both "versions" of our repo locally running at the same time so I could do UI comparisons...but I didn't actually get that far.

Daniel Siepmann reshared this.

Schrödingers documentation:
If there are docs, noone will read them.
If there are no docs, everyone will complain.

Daniel Siepmann reshared this.

Releasing a project after 2 years is always fun. updating dependencies, bumping php version, finding out that the PHAR build no longer works...

But here is Fink 0.11.2:

It's a pretty decent PHP link checker, and was one of those fun projects that had a limited scope and as such could be considered "done".

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Daniel Siepmann reshared this.

in reply to Dan Leech

If I have an anchor # in my link, is it going to download the URL and check if there’s an HTML element with that ID in that document? That would definitely sell it to me!


in reply to Ondřej Mirtes

pretty sure it doesn't at the moment, but a valid feature request :) (looks reasonably possible)
This entry was edited (1 month ago)