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Does anyone remember what our CI pipelines looked like before docker and cheap cloud services?

I hardly remember myself because when I began web development the whole team worked on the same code on a samba share and we had to shout into the room: "Is anyone working in foo.php right now?"

So no CI at all. But those who did it early, how did you do it? On bare metal I guess?

in reply to Alexander Schnitzler

We'll not CI, but a scripted deployment was established via Bamboo from Atlassian. It was a shell script executed in a virtual server.

The next agency also had Bamboo. And we executed everything on the bamboo server. Not sure how exactly we handled the different PHP versions …

in reply to Daniel Siepmann

Don't know when you started but there was this glorious PHP 5.1-5.4 time when people didn't really need to update their versions for around 10 years.
in reply to Alexander Schnitzler

Yes, bare metal with Jenkins. Wrangling the PHP versions, Jenkins plugins etc. was a real pain.
in reply to Alexander Schnitzler

We had a bare metal server locally with VMWare ESXi as hostsystem. There we had a VM running Jenkin and several other VMs with different setups (e.g. PHP versions, Selenium, Selenium Grid). Worked quite good, but updating the components was always very painful and error prone.
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