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I've been a couple of days to write... Say, about 5 LOC. In the meanwhile, I've read *thousands*, run the debugger more times than I can count, read a lot of external docs and try almost hopelessly to figure out what was really happening in the code soup I'm struggling with. Now I'm almost sure that my solution to what *on paper* looked like an easy problem to solve should work and hopefully won't break anything else.

Or not. :P

in reply to array :java: :void: :php:

Sounds like code without architecture 🙈

I hope that's not your daily business.

I created that at the beginning of my career, because the team didn't care and no one hold me back or explained architecture.

in reply to Daniel Siepmann

@danielsiepmann "No architecture" is something I won't dare say, but... No comments, no documentation, and enough spaghetti to feed the whole of Italy for years to come. XD It's pretty old Java code, fed for decades long by external contractors with, from what I've been told, little to no supervision, to finally create an ugly Frankenstein monster continuously patched, but who nobody dares to really fix. It's really amazing, it somewhat (mostly) works, and it's really difficult to work with. :)
in reply to array :java: :void: :php:

That sounds just like how my dev coworkers talk about the old codebase. The new version is much less terrifying.
in reply to not here

@tulpa Yeah, there's, I've been told, a new web with microservices being done in substitution of this crazy old monolith. But when will that be on prod, nobody knows. I'm totally in for the challenge, though; it's unnerving as it's great when you finally figure something out in this labyrinth. ;)