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As of today, I am no longer subscribed to any streaming music platforms. I dropped Spotify last year, and today I dropped Tidal.

I have an awesome and growing vinyl collection. I ripped all my CDs and have my entire digital music library on both my iPod and Plex.

I'm content with this decision. In fact I'm EXCITED about it, because I'll be spending more time enjoying and loving the heaps of music I already own.

As for discovery? Recommendations, Bandcamp, and good old fashioned music blogs.

in reply to Jason Evangelho

I hope you keep publishing your mix-tapes in some format... a fair amount of that music ended up on my personal playlist!
in reply to Jerry Orr

@jerryorr Oh, I promise to! In fact I want to get those revived and running again.

(I don't have a grudge against Spotify or Tidal so I'll keep publishing playlists there, as well as my OWN music!)

in reply to Jason Evangelho

I also recommend 2nd hand ships for discovering. We have two in the city and you can listen to their CDs on location with your own headphones.

Also I already bought CDs where I messed up the artists because or similar names and discovered new bands the way.

in reply to Daniel Siepmann

@danielsiepmann You can still walk into a store and slap on headphones to listen? That's incredible!
in reply to Jason Evangelho

Yes it is a student city. So lots of 2nd hand stores with vinyl and CDs etc.

I guess that's "normal" for cities with universities and big cities in Germany. But smaller cities don't have that.

in reply to Daniel Siepmann

@danielsiepmann All the record stores I visited in Zagreb never had anything like that! Germany just does it better...
in reply to Jason Evangelho

I remember that Saturn once hat listening stations. But there you scanned the bar code and could listen with the existing headphones.

Not sure whether that still exists and whether Saturn has stores in Zagreb.
I can't find an English version of their website, so probably not:

in reply to Jason Evangelho

you might've just inspired me. It'll take a LONG time to cancel but maybe I start now
in reply to 🖤

@fromjason It was a gradual process for me, too. Just take your time and go at your own pace.
in reply to Jason Evangelho

I recently started running Navidrome and access it with an app called Substreamer on android and ios.. it's basically creating your own spotify. You can run the server for about $5 a month depending on the size of your music collection. I used pikapods.
in reply to Tim Apple

@timapple Cool! I use Plex and PlexAmp. I bought a lifetime pass to use all of its features and connected mobile apps a few years ago, and I'll never regret a cent of that purchase.
in reply to Jason Evangelho

love it.

As for music discovery, I’ve found YouTube, Pandora, and terrestrial radio to be useful as well. All of which can be used for free.

in reply to Mike Rockwell

@mike It has been YEARS since I used Pandora, but their discovery algorithm is kinda what started it all, right?

I might revisit it, thanks.

in reply to Jason Evangelho

@mike I like YouTube for discovery as well. I recently found this
in reply to Jason Evangelho

Any music blog recommendations? An old (and surprisingly still online) one I've liked in the past is (old enough to not have HTTPS), but any suggestions would be wonderful!
in reply to deuill

@alex I need to revive my OPML file that has all the RSS feeds for my favorite music blogs, but I've bookmarked this reply and will circle back!
in reply to Jason Evangelho

We saved all our music and DVD's to a hard drive last year. With all the services getting ruined, we are very glad we did.
in reply to Jason Evangelho

Originally it was a downsizing effort. We had a decent size collection.

Now we cruise the DVD CD bins at Goodwill, and donate them back after adding to the hard drive. Only found a couple additions so far, but worth the time.

in reply to Jason Evangelho

I’ve been doing the same — I archive music on a large drive and keep a subset to play locally via Doppler and use for recommendations.
in reply to Jason Evangelho

I absolutely love it! I find it to be one of the best options even after all these years.
in reply to Jason Evangelho

Good 4 U! I'm having a back & forth w/some guy insisting I use the free tier ad supported Spotify to support artists & not P2P. I donated all my CDs & Tapes to Amer Vietnam Vets & a Women's shelter. I explained "if it is free, you are the product". He can't handle that. Delete all cookies, telemetry, tracking beacons, etc. Use Firefox w/privacy containers, DD Go, Metager, etc..
in reply to happycoyote12

@happycoyote12 I’d like to politely push back on one thing, as someone who works at an open source project. Telemetry is VERY important for developers to make data-driven decisions about the product, and improve it. SOME telemetry is bad, yes. But the kind most open source projects use is very important to the software’s development.
in reply to Jason Evangelho

Hmm, v good chance I know very little about telemetry. Just know MS, Google, FB, etc. want to pin point locations further ID users, sell to potential marketers, etc. I don't need weather on my PC. I stop my "smart" TV from connecting to my Wi-Fi. Always used VPN 4 years. Block & delete cookies, hx, etc. Win 95, 95, 7 easy to clear cookie folder, id & block telemetry updates. Maybe more specific info may soften my position?
in reply to Jason Evangelho

PS sounds like you might know your way around inner workings of coding? Any easy, simple, program or script to fix ERROR CODE: 0xc0000428? Much appreciate that.
in reply to Jason Evangelho

Yes, it is a Win 10 error, but thanks for your reply. I believe it has to do with a missing or corrupted boot manager preventing PC to boot into Windows. Oh well.
in reply to Jason Evangelho

yes! All of this. I pay for no music streaming. Bandcamp and YouTube have everything for discovery and then mp3s and FLACs are life. I'm working on a blog post about it all 🤣
in reply to Jason Evangelho

That's exactly what I plan on doing. Another way of freeing myself of big corp and owning my own life.
in reply to dodothedev🦤💻

@DodoTheDev @Em0nM4stodon Hell yea, good for you! Just get there in steps so you can really enjoy the experience once you cut all the virtual cords.