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Okay, this is very very embarrassing.

I lost my disk #encryption password. The hand written password does no longer work. I don't know why...

I have a backup, but that disk is also crypted.
All my passwords are in a keepass database file.

This is on the cryted disk and backup.

I also have a backup on my nas. But the password is ... In the manager.

I have a Fritz VPN to my Fritz box stored on my android phone.

Any recommendation on how to get back acces to the password manager database file?

Help is very welcome.

I fear I need to contact some company and pay Monet to get back my access :(

UPDATE: I could solve the issue by decrypting my very bad handwriting. And I'll now put back my keepass file onto a server a a level of backup and will print out the most important passwords instead of keeping handwritten backups.

in reply to Daniel Siepmann

is your disk really encrypted or have you simply set an HDD password in BIOS? If the latter is the case you might be able to obtain a master password. Which is already quite difficult but possible apparently:

Otherwise you are probably in a very bad spot. Not sure whether the VPN is any use if it doesn't coincidentally use the same pw as the nas.

in reply to AaronTheIssueGuy🏳️‍🌈

I used LUKS, and I indeed could make the brute furce tool run, which would take until 205x to try out all combinations.

But I was able to fix the issue. Thank you

in reply to Daniel Siepmann

I finally could decrypt my handwritten password... I regret that i discussed my poor handwriting with teachers.

And I'll apply the suggestions of my colleague to print the three important passwords so I am able to read them. And I'll deposit another copy somewhere else...

I don't wish anyone the same situation. Feels very bad...

in reply to Daniel Siepmann

So glad you finally recovered your password! I could really feel your pain!
in reply to Daniel Siepmann

Have to admit that my handwriting is mostly useless as well. Great you got it solved.
in reply to Daniel Siepmann

Shit, that sounds pretty bad 🫤I thought I make a few suggestions what you could try in case you didn't think of them already.
If you're entering the encryption password at startup to unlock something like a LUKS encrypted disk, chances are, that you do not get any obfuscated password, so you cannot be sure what exactly you are typing, right?
Even if you type it character by character off your handwritten, perhaps something is wrong.

Just suggesting the most obvious of things that one might still overlook. Have you accidentally turned on Caps Lock or switched to another layer? Maybe to another layout.
Perhaps there is a broken key on your keyboard and you did not realise.
Is the keyboard working at all? Have you tried another keyboard? Have you tried another cabl
If I un- and replug my keyboard on startup, while it waits for the disk encryption password, it gives me some warning about an HID device. Are you seeing any of that?

in reply to Matthias

Just suggesting these since, bit rot or something like that should be out of the question since you stated that you suddenly cannot decrypt two devices that you formerly were able to decrypt.

Hoping you find a solution to this 🤞

in reply to Daniel Siepmann

any chance that keypass, even an out of date one, is elsewhere such as a cloud service? May be in luck and have the password you need there
in reply to Gaiety

No, I only have that on my I could solve it in the meantime:

And I'll put my keepass back to my nextcloud :)

in reply to Daniel Siepmann

If the encryption is good, an encrypted disk might be very difficult to access even by professionals. (Don't know about the Fritzbox, that might be a way).

Take a break, try some time later to type your password. Check your keyboard settings (caps lock, correct language settings). Try to use another keyboard (your current keyboard might have a key not working).

Good luck!

This entry was edited (2 months ago)