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My boyfriend uses the vacation to learn programming.

He finished basic HTML and is currently working on CSS.

He want to do web development based on #python.

Any recommendations for totally new unexperienced people to get started with python web development?

Django and other frameworks look way too much compared to php. Is there an easy entry?

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in reply to Daniel Siepmann

Hello! There are several frameworks like Flask, py4web (and its spiritual predecessor web2py), but my favorite is Django.

Django is a complete package, but they don’t force you to use their libraries, and has the friendliest community I know in tech. Their Discord server is great for support.

Your BF can always try multiple and see whatever he likes most, though.

in reply to Marijke Luttekes

Thanks :) I try to guide him a bit, as I'm an experienced php developer for some years.

I'm still checking out the django and other tutorials to find something that's not too overwhelming for someone who just starts with development in general.

Django already looks okayish but also a bit too much for my personal taste. PHP has a different focus and makes it easy to transform static HTML to a dynamic website step by step.

But I guess the path with python is a bit more complex in that regard. Due to the different target of python.

in reply to Daniel Siepmann

It depends a bit on what he wants do. If it's only an API, Flask or even Bottle might be good options (after learning the basics of Python itself, of course). Things get complicated if he needs a database as well, but that can be added to any Python project with SQLAlchemy.
in reply to Zaheer Soebhan

Yeah web development is a broad topic. He wants to start with websites. Nothing concrete yet but I guess something like a personal website, blog, etc. to get started.
in reply to Daniel Siepmann

I'm sure he'll figure it out. There are a lot of ways to do this and trying out different options might be part of what makes this fun 😉
in reply to Zaheer Soebhan

Sure. That's also why I play around as well. It is always nice to learn something new and try things out :)
in reply to nette :neocat_flag_ace:

Looks also like the most lightweight solution out there to me.

Do you know any good tutorials?

in reply to Daniel Siepmann

May this site help you as much as it helped me! :neocat_heart:
in reply to nette :neocat_flag_ace:

Thanks you very much @nette :neocat_flag_ace: I didn't find that website on my own. Will dig deeper :) but it looks promising.
in reply to nette :neocat_flag_ace:

Thanks, that side is very helpful. Also in general, beside the Flask specifics.
in reply to Daniel Siepmann

Has he a basic knowledge of any other programming language already, or just the markup languages you mentioned? Because if he doesn't, I wouldn't start with a web framework, but with Python -and general programming- rudiments. If that's the case, I could recommend some materials I used when I began with that... :)
in reply to array :java: :void: :php:

Yeah that's also my opinion. He just started with HTML and CSS through interactive tutorials.

Next would be pythons itself. But I want to be ahead in order to support him.

I would be interested in your materials :)

in reply to Daniel Siepmann

OK then. :) I did this free course from Scrimba and I really liked it. The platform has an interactive prompt where you can try the code, and I found the person who did the course very good at teaching: It covers most of the basics, so it could be a good introduction. :) Then written tutorials like (more basic) or (more comprehensive, but still easy) are nice to have. :)
in reply to Daniel Siepmann

Other thing I did, after having a bit of a grasp on the basics, was a lot of code exercises. and are very well known, and I did all in which is very suitable for beginners IMO. I think all this could be good to have a starting point but really, plenty of very good stuff out there... I prefer text tutorials than vids, but if that's his preference there are lots... Y'know where! ;)
This entry was edited (3 months ago)
in reply to array :java: :void: :php:

Thanks :) I totally forgot about codewars.
Excercism looks also promising for myself to play around with other languages. Thanks for sharing.
in reply to Daniel Siepmann

Lastly, I did my AD in web development and, FWIW, we had courses in our first year in: programming (general), databases, development environments (a mixed bag of IDEs, git, Docker...), markup languages (HTML, CSS and yes, JS) and systems administration. That may be a clue as to where to start. It's a bit overwhelming at first sight, but maybe this: could be useful too. :)
This entry was edited (3 months ago)
in reply to Daniel Siepmann

The Flask Mega Tutorial just got a 2024 update.

#flask #Python

in reply to olkol

Thank you :) That looks promising. Flask in general seems to be a good introduction for beginners.