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Looking for a snap free distro for my next computer.
- Fedora
- Mint

Are already on my list. Any other recommendations?

in reply to Daniel Siepmann

@danielsiepmann is nixos also available to bootstrap/manage kernel, init and alike? is it a full distribution?
in reply to peter

NixOS is a full blown distro.

Nixpkgs is the package collection and nix is the language and package manager.

One can use nix + nixpkgs on other distros. But nixOS is a distro built on top of that.

in reply to MarcusSchwemer

I am quite happy with manjaro but not 100% snap free. But it’s a lack of time, not opportunities.
in reply to MarcusSchwemer

Debian? Nutze ich privat auf meinem alten iMac, einem Fujitsu Convertible, Fujitsu Desktop und vielen Servern.