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#Forgejo v7.0 was just released! Get it at 🚀

Forgejo v7.0 is available with translations in Bulgarian, Esperanto, Filipino and Slovenian; SourceHut builds integration; support for the SHA-256 hash function in Git; source code search by default and more. It also is the first Long Term Support version. The adoption of semantic versioning is the reason for the version bump from v1.21 to v7.0 and is compatible with existing tools. ✨


Daniel Siepmann reshared this.

in reply to Forgejo

Forgejo v7.0 was released (see post above!).

It will take a while until the new features reach Codeberg, but we're in the preparations.

Also join the release party this Saturday, 27 April 12.00 UTC, and get to know the team:

in reply to Forgejo

v7.0 includes the ability to set pronouns on your profiles ❤ :Blobhaj_Flag_Transgender:
in reply to Forgejo

I like the new design!


[Edit: No problem, see below] But I also want to say: I don't like the new: "Add more..."-Button in the tabs of a repository if issues etc are deactivated
Why? I deactivated issues etc for a personal project to have a clean look. Now I have an additional big button 😄

This entry was edited (1 month ago)
in reply to Daniel Siepmann

@danielsiepmann Yes, thx I also found it: 😃

Ok, also my fault. You can deactivate the button in your appearance settings (user/settings/appearance) by deactivating "Encourage enabling additional repository units"

in reply to Beowulf

Ok, also my fault. You can deactivate the button in your appearance settings (user/settings/appearance) by deactivating "Encourage enabling additional repository units"
in reply to Forgejo

Does anyone have experiences with enabling the repository indexer (`REPO_INDEXER_ENABLED` )?

Is it really as bad as mentioned in the docs ("uses a lot of disk space, about 6 times more than the repository size")?

in reply to Beowulf

I activated bleve as indexer:

Before activation, my #Forgejo data folder was 280M in size, after activation it was 310M.

The indexer folder has changed as follows: 218k ⇒ 30M

“Stats”: It's a single user instance with 5 organizations, 49 Repositories (3 mirrors)

in reply to Beowulf

How much repo data do you have? The data folder could also contain non-Git content like avatars, attachments, packages, LFS, caches ...


in reply to @forgejo I don't use LFS (currently). Every project, except for a few, has an avatar. From the 310M the git folder uses 274M. I also do not have docker images hosted in my own forgejo instance.

(All GitLab mirrors are really fat :D )

Or in which information are you interested?

This entry was edited (1 month ago)
in reply to Forgejo

AFAIK federation (Forgejo's main selling point) is still not a thing, after years now? What's the progress on that?
in reply to TobTobXX

Did you read the post? It has a section about that:

Forgejo is one year old and it will take it a some time to get there.

Not sure about the "years" you are referring to.

in reply to Daniel Siepmann

> Did you read the post? It has a section about that:

I didn't read the article as I'm solely interested in finally having a federated code forge. So I checked the site's FAQ, where they still list it as "on the roadmap" despite being the "primary goal" (to be frank, Forgejo is an MVP without the P).



in reply to TobTobXX

> Forgejo is one year old and it will take it a some time to get there.

IIRC the Gitea drama was ~1y ago. So that was the time of the hard fork. I don't remember if the project was independent (but built on Gitea) or "official", but there was work on Gitea federation long before then.



in reply to TobTobXX

I'm waiting on that for years now. Getting hopes when seeing the PRs on Gitea. Then after the drama, there was Forgejo, which announced that it will do federation. It seemed realistic, the pieces already existed, there were projects and even PRs modding Gitea to do federation. All Forgejo had to do is to include and polish them.

I'm just feeling let down by Forgejo for announcing it boldly then and now as "primary goal" and still being empty-handed.




This entry was edited (1 month ago)
in reply to TobTobXX

@tobtobxx @danielsiepmann I'm committed to work on Federation and data portability.

For that to happen Forgejo needs to exist and that diverted most of my attention in the past two months.

You can mock me and others publicly for not getting there faster, of course.

But if what you want it for federation to happen, I'm not sure that's a good way to encourage more efforts, to motivate people to join and help.

Your messages make me sad and are discouraging. Is that what you hoped for?

in reply to Earl Warren

@Earl Warren please note that I just quoted from the release. I'm also looking forward to see federation but don't want to discourage anyone.

I'm happy to be part of the Foss scene and am happy for every single person contributing time and passion.

So thank you very much for all the efforts you already put into that topic.

in reply to Earl Warren


While writing a response, I realized it was going to be big. So I wrote a blog post. I will respond to the emotional part of your answer here, but please see my blog post at the end.

> Your messages make me sad and are discouraging. Is that what you hoped for?

No, absolutely not. I would very much like to apologize for offending you; I'm sorry, it was not my intention.

@danielsiepmann @forgejo

in reply to TobTobXX


I do think that my criticism to the Forgejo project is valid. But I know how open-source works, so I really don't want anyone to be blamed for that criticism. I'd guess most of the maintainers and contributors are awesome and passionate people. This is just the 2c of a random dude on the internet.


@danielsiepmann @forgejo

in reply to TobTobXX


> You can mock me and others publicly for not getting there faster, of course.

No I absolutely may not, it is not acceptable to mock people. I don't even pay or contribute to Forgejo, but even if I did, I would have no right to do that. I tried to avoid blaming anyone, but apparently I failed, I apologize for that. Still, I think my point stands, but I want to get it across without hurting anyone.


@danielsiepmann @forgejo

in reply to TobTobXX


For a response to the other points, as well as a more clear explanation for what has disappointed me and some suggestions, please check out my post here:

Once again, I am sorry for demotivating you. I wanted to talk about what could be better for Forgejo, but I could have done so more clearly.


@danielsiepmann @forgejo

in reply to TobTobXX

@tobtobxx @danielsiepmann the blog post helps a lot. It clearly articulates why you are "infuriated", "disapointed" by a "broken promise" (your words).

It all boils down to your opinion that people did wrong. "we weren't years away from the first federation features."

How would you know?

You cannot believe that it takes so long. You assume someone must be blamed.

But the reality is people keep working despite the roadblocks. I am one of them. I am a volunteer. I will keep at it.

in reply to Forgejo

Fedora and now Forgejo? Today is a release party day! :D
in reply to Forgejo

Windows: From 8 to 10
Zorin: From 12 to 15
Fogejo: From 1 - 7

GNOME: Hold my beer (3 - 40)

in reply to Forgejo

update went butter-smooth with my fabfile setup. Thanks!
in reply to Forgejo

lets `/sbin/fsck`ing go!!

im also thankful to the one person that helped with the Filipino translations :3

in reply to Forgejo

Upgrade from v1.21 to v7.0 went perfectly!

Keep up the good work 👏