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in reply to Andrew Woods

It’s hosted on #ReadTheDocs, using their docs template and Sphinx to generate them.

The README in my docs folder goes into more detail:

in reply to Senior Rabbit-Hole Explorer

thanks Andreas, I think @ramsey is aware of phpDocumentor. But maybe not of the ability to render markdown and restructured text. Sphinx does a great job. But phpDocumentor is faster, and written in #php 😊


in reply to Jaapio

I thought phpDocumentor was more for generating class API docs from comments in your source code.
in reply to Ben Ramsey

it was, about 8 years ago we changed our goal. phpDocumentor will be a documentation framework. That's what we are working on right now. since 1 year we have had full support for RST. Markdown is still experimental, but also ready to be tested by end users.

I will keep building on this until we have the ultimate documentation tool for php. That can generate uml diagrams out of code, and fully integrates api docs with developer docs.

See our docs for examples

@heiglandreas @awoodsnet

in reply to Jaapio

This is great to hear! I didn’t realize you had changed direction. I’ll have to check it out. Is it “production ready?”

Is there anyone like Read the Docs who are auto-building on pushes and hosting multiple versions of docs built with phpDocumentor?

RST is my preferred format for technical documentation, btw.

in reply to Ben Ramsey

it's production ready. The RST parser is a collaboration with the #Typo3 documentation team. They recently switch to our parser completely.
phpDocumentor itself doesn't contain the latest version yet. I expect a new release somewhere this month. Since 3.3 it's really usable.

We do have a GitHub action so it's easy to integrate in your pipelines. No hosted solution right now. But maybe that will follow in the future. Might be a nice idea. However GitHub pages also works.

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